Instagram: @iAmLilMike, @TonyLyric, @truuullie_
Coming as an ImFromCleveland Exclusive the T.R.E.B.L.E- Makers let us get the first taste of their new single "Champion" which features Chelsea Trullie. This up beat four to the floor Pop/EDM influenced record is uplifting in every way possible from start to finish. Chelsea Trullies vocals truly are the icing on the cake! Her voice adds a whole other layer of power to this motivational song which drives the main message of the song home... The instrumental itself features a lot of intricate and live sounds from violin & string sections to glitchy cymbals! T.R.E.B.L.E-Makers is made up of the duo, iAmLilMike and Tony Lyric.
Author: Bobby Booshay