Twitter: @rayjr216 "Let Us Pray" is a brand new track along with a visual to match it from Ray Jr. In this track Ray discuss the incidents of police violence and the social injustices that not only Cleveland faces, but also the entire US. SceneAmatix really harnesses what this song is about in the visual integrating news footage, a protest video at the begging and much of the Cleveland streets. Check out the write up from HipHopDX who had the exclusive below...
"HipHopDX Premiere: In light of all the recent police shooting deaths and the crisis America is currently in, Ray Jr.’s “Let Us Pray,” couldn’t come at a more relevant time. In the video, a young girl is seen pleading for justice in response to yet another murder. Hailing from the rough neighborhoods of East Cleveland, the veteran rapper witnesses social injustices every day. “I wanted to talk about what’s going on in our community,” Ray Jr. explains to DX. “I wanted to voice that the urban communities must stick together, and also voice what some police is doing to Black males is foul. I reached out to @sceneAmatix to bring my words to a visual. “ The video brings the frustration people are feeling to the forefront as Ray Jr.’s powerful and poignant soundtrack provides the ideal aural experience. “Let Us Pray” is from his album "Gold Pack$ 2."